Moss Removal

Gentle Roof Cleaning and Treatments

Roof Moss Treating or cleaning done properly can be a Safe and effective way to extend the life of your roof while helping keeping your house looking in top shape. We will recommend the safest gentlest option to clean-treat your roof.
Some roofs just need a good sweeping and blowing off to remove dirt, debris and pine needles. We use nylon brushes and high powered blowers to leave your roof looking tidy.

Composite Shingles

Roof Brush, Blow, Gutter Clean and Zinc Moss Treatment

Because of the fragile nature of the small rocks coating this kind of roof we offer a treatment only option with a light scrape. The scraping is only to pop off moss half inch or greater in height, the mechanical action needed to remove all the moss would also remove the the roofing granules. For this option we start with the light scrape, then blow off the roof, clean out the gutters and lastly apply a zinc Sulfate treatment to kill moss. Our treatment is safe for plants, animals and won't stain your roof or concrete. We clean the gutters either by hand or blowing them out. The Zinc treatment is in the form of a powder that washes down over the moss within the next few rains and completely disappers afters it treats the moss. Then each year as you clean your gutters another zinc treatment can be applied if needed to keep the growth from coming back, without the need for scraping or blowing the moss. The zinc treatment we use is the standard treatment for roofs and last from 6 months - 2 years for the average house. The average size roof in 2011 was $225.00 with an average range of $190.00-295.00 for this option. But can be more if you have a large or very mossy roof.

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